Seven healthy habits to stay fit after 50

What’s the No. 1 secret to healthy living after 50? It’s not a pill, powder, diet, or anything you can buy. It’s consistency – nurturing healthy habits like exercising and eating right over time. The whole point of habits is making them easier, like they’re second nature. A crisis or trigger might get people interested in being fit after 50....

Worn out and worn down? What to do about fatigue

When The Beatles crooned “I’m So Tired,” they aptly described a sleepless night fuelled by upset over a relationship gone wrong. And that certainly describes one form of weariness. But fatigue is something quite different, medically. It’s a recognized condition that’s distinct from apathy, exercise intolerance, weakness or lack of strength, or tiredness. It can be acute, lasting less than...

Life will go on with or without the CFL

A pre-pandemic birthday gift is my reminder that what should have been Grey Cup week has just passed. On my birthday back on March 4, I was given a T-shirt and a baseball cap to mark that the Grey Cup festival was going to be in Saskatchewan this year. Unfortunately, coronavirus gripped the world, causing most of the sports world...

TV cameras never stray far from Tiger Woods

Since TV golf broadcasts usually begin with film and audio about Tiger Woods, no matter if the greatest golfer of all time is in the lead, middle of the pack or back home resting his back — “… Even though he’s not competing this week, let’s look at some Tiger highlights from last year’s event” — let’s join the party...

The joy of letter writing

Two of the most important people in my life were my grandmas. Through my husband, I was blessed to also have in my life two strong, feisty, caring women of that generation. Our daughters were fortunate to know, spend time, and make memories with this group of women that we referred to collectively as “the four great grandmas.” When my...

How to Merry Up a COVID Christmas

I think we are staring down the possibility of uncelebrating the UnMerriest Christmas in perhaps 70 years. For most of us walking this Earth, that’s the UnMerriest Christmas ever. Argh, I’m sorry to be such a downer. Unfortunately, methinks if we don’t start planning now, this COVID Christmas might be quite a blue experience, when we should be celebrating all...

Rocky passes after 18 years of unconditional love

When Rocky was born, 9/11 hadn’t even marked its one-year anniversary. I had Rocky before I had a husband. Before I knew the price of a mortgage, kids, or sound mental health. I was 24 when I got Rocky. It was a lifetime ago, but also just yesterday. Rocky was my dog, if that’s not obvious. It’s weird to even...

Merry Christmas from the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation

Standing on the high banks of the lake is a giant cross that stands more than 12 feet high. Buried underneath it are 40 children who succumbed to a smallpox epidemic that swept through my community in the 1930s. The children were from an Indian residential school that once stood close to where the cross is located. I tried to...

We have to look after each other more than ever

Another year is almost gone, and it’s been unlike any other. Good riddance, 2020. The pandemic has turned the lives of so many people upside down. Businesses are closing and people are struggling to feed their families. My heart goes out to the families that have lost loved ones. It is such a lonely way to die. It is unfair...