“When I start to lose it, put me in a home,” my grandma used to say, laughing in that way you knew was both meant to reassure us and enforce the fact she was serious. So, we did. Well, my mom did. Upon a doctor’s confirmation that she was indeed showing signs of dementia, my...
Category: <span>your SASKATOON news</span>
Here’s how to soothe hand dryness
Hello Reena, During this critical time, constant handwashing and sanitizing is taking a toll on my hands and nails. Can you give me any advice on what might have help me with this? I am an essential worker and look forward to your reply. — Marla Dear Marla, Thank you for your service! Handwashing is...
COVID-19 doesn’t deter coffee club
For 30 years, a group of Shriners have been getting together for coffee. Approximately 30 people have been part of the club over the years. Some members aren’t attending as regularly as they once were, and about one-third of the members have passed away. Members of the founding group are Wayne Kobie and Des Gore-Hickman....
Hilltops honour graduating players with ring day
Tyler Hermann’s one campaign as the Saskatoon Hilltops starting quarterback turned into a dream season. After being a reserve quarterback for four years, Hermann took over the controls of the Hilltops offence for his fifth and final campaign with the club. While there were growing pains in the first four weeks of the season, Hermann...
Author doesn’t want kids to Be Like Mike
Let’s start off with one from my old buddy Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “A pair of Michael Jordan’s game-worn ‘Air Jordan 1’ sneakers sold at auction for a record $560,000. They were the GOAT’s, all right: The shoes were his preferred sizes — one a 13, the other a 13½ — and the...
Gems found in an old stack of books
I was rummaging through a number of stacks of books one day last week. I figured I had watched too much television and hadn’t done enough reading during my time in isolation. There were sports books spread over two stacks. Many of them are oldies like a biography of Foster Hewitt, a pioneer in hockey...
Floyd death broke the camel’s back in US
A few friends and I planned a trip to New York City for late September 2001. Then, 9/11 occurred. Although people at home were aghast, we still journeyed to NYC after the attack. We figured NYC would be the safest place to go, as it would be on high alert from the federal, state and...
Buying my dream car a strange experience
I hadn’t been having much luck finding my retirement dream car. As I have mentioned in a previous column or perhaps more, I have been looking for an MGB. I had two when I was a young fellow. When I started looking about nine months ago, there was only one in Saskatchewan listed on Kijiji....
COVID-19 separated Mom and me
I missed seeing my mom face-to-face every Sunday. For two months, our in-person conversations were limited to her opening the door a crack and us talking for a minute or two. I went into her house a couple of weeks ago, although we stayed so far apart that we needed binoculars to see each other....
Like grandfather, like granddaughter
COVID-19 didn’t allow the class of 2020 to graduate in traditional style. There was no walking across the stage, no shaking hands with officials and no standing for a couple of seconds for photos and snippets of video Even without the pomp and pageantry, Robert and Christine Zens have reason to celebrate milestones in their...