Bulletproof coffee

Bulletproof coffee is a delicious creamy drink, an energizing drink for mind and body fuel. For everyone that loves coffee, this recipe is for you. It’s filled with healthy fats, and used in keto or paleo diets.

It is made with coffee, grass-fed butter or ghee, and MCT oil. It gives you a boost of energy without the typical caffeine crash, using butter instead of milk or cream make it even creamer and better tasting.

And the best news; it’s going to help you to lose weight.

There are benefits of starting your day with this Bulletproof Coffee Recipe instead of your traditional coffee. Coffee usually gives you a caffeine buzz in the beginning, but can also lead to a crash later. This recipe will give you a longer and stable boost of energy because of the fats in it. Healthy fats from butter and MCT are saturated fatty acids, easier to digest than other types of fat, and healthy for your brain. The MCT oil in a bulletproof coffee will help you to feel full and satisfied and will give you more energy with a clear and focused mind.



* Brewed Coffee

* 1 tbsp of Grass-fed butter or ghee

* 1 tbsp MCT oil

* Pinch of pink Salt

* 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon powder

Mix all the ingredients into a blender with ice if you want a fresh coffee version for the summer. Blend until smooth and serve.


The benefits of MCT oil is it’s a medium chain triglycerides or medium chain fatty acids, this type of fat comes from coconut oil. It is colourless, odourless, and stays liquid at room temperature, you can use it in drinks, smoothies and recipes. Perfect for added energy and a sharper brain, suppresses hunger, provides clean energy, helps to lose fat and supports immune health.

-Patricia Chirino Cabrera (Health & Life Coach)

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