10 movement snacks and other small steps to well-being

Snacking is bad for you, right?

Well, not necessarily.

When we use the idea of “snacking” for exercise, or just movement, and other aspects of this, it can take us far on our daily goals to live better.

We still need our full, well-balanced “meals” of gym workouts, running, etc. But these little “sneak ‘em in” tactics can help us move more, improve our mobility, manage stress, and feel better.

But too often, we think of movement and healthy living decisions as strictly “all or nothing” options.

• “I will work out 5 times a week and get in the greatest shape of my life” – or do nothing.

• “I will eat only organic vegetables from local farms” or whatever is handy and tasty.

• “I will manage my stress better than anybody ever, boy” – which really misses the point entirely.

Say no to the false choice and enjoy doing whatever you can for yourself, whenever you can.

Here are 10 ideas to get you thinking in the right direction.

1. Start the day with stretches. If a body in motion stays in motion, then why not roll out of bed and do a short, comfortable series of stretches to get the blood flowing and limber you up right away? Go crazy and toss in a few pushups.

2. Take a short walk. Yes, longer walks are better – but when you can’t plan your day around a power hike around the neighbourhood, remember that you don’t have to. Just get up and out and moving.

3. Breathe deeply. You can do this anytime, no matter what you’re doing. Just pause and take a deep breath and slowly exhale three times, paying attention to nothing but the air going in and out of your body. If this leads to a longer, quiet period, that’s even better. (You don’t even have to call it meditation.)

4. Simple leg exercises. Can you do 10 squats during a TV commercial? Hold a plank?

5. Park far from the store. You’ve heard this before. But the extra steps matter, and they add up quickly.

6. Take the stairs. Even better!

7. Unplug. Put the phone down. Pick up a book. Or your journal. For 10 minutes. You’ll be amazed.

8. Hydrate. Slowly sip a glass of water. You’re replenishing your body, lubricating your brain, and paying attention to what you’re doing.

9. Have some almonds. Or pecans or walnuts. This is smart snacking, literally, and much better than opening a bag of chips.

10. Dance, dance, dance. During housework. While folding laundry. During a commercial break (yes, you’re sensing a theme here). Are you thinking of more ideas? Are you realizing how much more you’ve been sitting during the pandemic?

The point is to move your body, eat mindfully, manage your emotions, and sleep as much and as well as you should (7 – 9 hours per night).

There are many of the components of well-being, after all. We all need AT LEAST 150 minutes each week of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise, according to Health Canada. They also recommend twice per week muscle strengthening activities (resistance training) using major muscle groups and reducing sedentary time each day. Every little bit helps! So, snack away.

-Shelley Turk, (Functional Aging Specialist)

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