When is the best time in the day to take your vitamins?

This is very important to know! Because it’s not the same for all vitamins and it depends on what type of vitamins you are taking. Some vitamins are better to be taken on an empty stomach and others are best to be taken after a meal.


Vitamins A, K, E and D, are fat soluble vitamins, which means they are absorbed in our bodies using fats. The best time to take fat-soluble vitamins is with your evening meals, except vitamin D which interferes with Melatonin hormone secretion, which we need to have a good night’s sleep. These kinds of vitamins are stored in the liver, and they are best taken with a meal that contains saturated fats or oils to help their absorption.


Vitamin C, all the B vitamins and folate (folic acid) are water soluble. They are absorbed best on an empty stomach. In the morning, thirty minutes before you eat or anytime later in the day two hours after you eat. Your body takes the amount of the vitamin it needs and flushes the rest through your body. Since your body doesn’t store these vitamins, its a good idea to incorporate them into your diet or take a supplement. The vitamin B family can reduce the amount of stress and improve your mood.


Be careful about possible interactions between your vitamins and prescriptions drugs you take. For example, don’t combine vitamin K supplements with blood thinner warfarin.

Be aware of the foods you are eating so you are not getting too much of certain vitamins, this can throw your body out of balance. Many cereals, enriched diary, and grain products have vitamins added.

Always be careful about what you are taking if you are pregnant and nursing. If you are pregnant, never double up on your prenatal vitamins.

-Patricia Chirino Cabrera

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