Trend Conscious: FALL 2019

As trees turn and breezes get chilly, there are two things that make up for watching summer slip away: the autumnal beauty of our riverbank and the many fantastic stylin’ opportunities coming our way. It’s a fact: we may not agree on pumpkin-spicedeverything, but we can all get behind fall fashion. Layers make any outfit look more put together, cozy...

‘We deserve to be here’: USask group advocates for women in science

Dr. Elaheh Khozeimeh Sarbisheh (PhD) wants to be a role model for young women in science. That’s one of the reasons she’s chairing the University of Saskatchewan-Women in Chemistry (USask-WiC) group, which aims to foster an environment in which gender diversity is realized. The group’s goal is to encourage, support and advocate for women and gender minorities, and its members...

Persephone Theatre showcases women and their stories on stage

Persephone Theatre attendees may notice a feminist flavour in the theatre’s lineup this fall. Artistic associate Jennica Grienke said Persephone has been “putting a lot of care and thought” into ensuring there’s female representation on stage, both in terms of the stories being told and the artists being hired. This is particularly relevant in light of the #MeToo movement, which...

Entrepreneurship and empowerment: The SheNative experience

Entrepreneur Devon Fiddler has been on quite the journey since she launched SheNative in 2014. Since then, SheNative has grown from a small handbag company to an established, inspirational brand with a significant following on social media known for spreading inspirational stories and messages of strength and resilience. Fiddler, the mother of two young boys, shares the SheNative message in...

WESK offers support to female entrepreneurs

Prabha Mitchell says it feels “amazing” to celebrate her five-year anniversary as CEO of Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan (WESK). “It feels like I’ve been there for 10 years, in a good way. I love what I do, so I don’t really think I work a day in my life,” she said. “I’m very passionate. We’re all very passionate about our...

Exercise equipment doesn’t come with age limits

Believe it or not, some mature adults are discouraged from working out by well-meaning people using old stereotypes like these: • “Put that thing down before you hurt yourself.” • “No, that equipment isn’t for you golden oldies.” • “Just walk a few minutes when you can — that’s all you should do at your age.” If you haven’t been...

Keggers, Wheels and the NFL debacle

A discussion between Cruz 96.3 FM morning person Clayton Kroeker and his fiancée: “Her: So, are we getting a keg for the wedding? Him: Why do we need a keg? Her: You know . . . for like keg stands and stuff. Him: Long story short; we’re now getting a keg for the wedding.” Clearly, Clayton is marrying way up....

Survey says something. I’m just not sure what

Breaking news: Saskatchewan kids need good teachers and reasonable classroom sizes. I know this seems like pretty straightforward information. It’s information that wouldn’t be out of place in one of those Captain Obvious commercials, or a surprise to anyone who ever went to elementary school. But the Saskatchewan government surveyed 9,000 people to reach that stunning conclusion. In a news...

Fall Bridal: Your day, your dress

Your dress is one of the biggest parts of your wedding day. It is photographed, framed, and shared with generations to come. It is the part that takes your fiance’s breath away as you walk down the aisle. Okay, let’s be honest, you take your fiance’s breath away, but your dress helps out a bit! So what’s with all the...

Frank’s jam makes August worth living

August may be my least appreciated month of the year. While August is also my favourite month for eating, August is forever associated in my head with our annual family frenzy to harvest and preserve all things edible and mostly cost free. Having Great Depression parents, the garden was considered sacred and the vegetables we grew epitomized the family thrift...