If you are sports fan in this province, you likely felt normal during these COVID-19 pandemic times for a handful of days near the end of April. At the end of April, it was sports draft season, as a few leagues held player drafts. The WHL Bantam Draft was held via an online format on April 22. The NFL Draft...
Golf courses re-open without beer carts
Saskatchewan has started to reopen. A contentious opening is that of golf courses. It seems there are two kinds of people: golfers and those who dislike golfers. Many of the detractors feel it is an elitist game and those that play it are getting special treatment by their friends in government. That’s not true, I hope, but it is an...
COVID-19 might force us to do a reset
So, how is life in your hidey-hole? Were it not for the kindness of friends sending gallows humour video clips and cartoons, I would be asking my doctor to prescribe me Prozac. These last two months have brought real meaning to “You don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone.” What is gone from life right now is the liberty...
I am going to spend the summer in the bush
I have my summer mapped out. My plan started way before all the self-isolation and the craziness that erupted because of the coronavirus. However, if there was ever a time to put the plan into action, now would be it. Last fall, I attended a traditional culture camp on my home reserve. It was held beside a lake, where I...
My memory is failing me more and more
About a month ago, a person doing a study asked me to give her three examples of things I routinely forget. I can’t remember what all three of my answers were. Honest. Is memory loss a sign of age or a lack of concentration or something else? I read that it can arise from stress, depression, lack of sleep, side...
Brad Siroski: Become the Father I Knew I Could Be
A dependency on drugs and alcohol ruined what should have been the best day of Brad Siroski’s life. On Feb. 2, 2009, his daughter Keyerra was born. Not long after, he was doing cocaine in the hospital parking lot with his drug dealer. “I remember I held my daughter in my arms that night and I looked at her and...
Wanuskewin Bison Baby Announcement
Wanuskewin is delighted to once again announce the birth of a baby bison … three baby bison to be exact. Incredibly, these babies arrived onauspicious days, with the first calf arriving on Earth Day, the thirdarriving on May 5th Red Dress Day, and the last calf arriving on Mother’sDay May 10th. This new generation of bison is comprised of three...
What has happened to my province?
One of the drawbacks of writing a monthly column is that there’s really no way for me to know what the world is going to be like by the time you read this. Something tells me, though, that it’s not going to be much of a nicer place than it is today, and Saskatchewan will be no exception. I write...
I believe in the legend of Opimbataw
Opimbataw was real. When I was nine years old, I would hear stories about Opimbataw, which translates from Cree to English as The Runner; but it literally means someone who runs all over the place. At the time, I only spoke Cree and in my first language the stories were fascinating. There were several stories about him being seen in...
Do you choose hard now or hard later?
Let’s face it, getting and staying fit and healthy is hard work. There’s all the effort that you have to put out in making wholesome meals. There’s the will power that you must muster in avoiding unhealthy (TASTY!) foods. There’s the energy that it takes to get out of bed early to get in a workout before your busy day...