
Almost half of Canadians know a business that has closed permanently due to COVID-19, eight out of ten say they wish they could do more. With seven out of ten business owners worried that customers won’t come back and many still struggling to pay bills, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)’s new #SmallBusinessEveryDay campaign is designed to amplify actions...

Business Spotlight – PetMobile

Going out of your comfort zone Having the trusted brand that you have been using is reassuring and comforting, but it is also nice to try new things. In the case of pet food, PetMobile and Multi Menu can be considered new here in the west but are known and quite popular in the east, especially in the city of...

Do your homework before casting ballot

As a prolific social media user, particularly on Twitter, it’s a bit precious for me to write about how it causes societal divisions, but I’m going to do so anyway. As I write this, we are all staring down the barrel of what might be the most divisive and frightening few weeks in modern history. U.S. president Donald Trump has...

Case can be made for at-large voting system

Well, the race is on and it looks like, ah, hmmm, same old, same old. So far, we have six candidates running for Saskatoon’s top job. Incumbent Mayor Charlie Clark, former mayor Don Atchison, former provincial cabinet minister Rob Norris, and three that are new gladiators in the arena, engineer Zubair Sheikh, consultant Cary Tarasoff and businessman Mark Zielke. With...

Diving into the mayoral race issues

Did I mention I’m running for mayor? I looked at the slate (as of press time) and figured it was a little thin on diversity. For example, all six candidates are men, and I venture to suggest they are all over 40 (apologies if I am wrong). So am I; but I am female, so there’s that. And oh boy,...

It’s easier than ever to become an organ donor

It’s easier than ever to become an organ donor Don’t be like me. Please sign up to be an organ and tissue donor. People need you, and the province made it easier this summer with its launch of an online registry. Why haven’t I signed on to be a donor? Could it be in the recesses of my mind I...

Buying property a good source for profit

Hi Everyone! I have a question for you. Where do the rich hold their money? Is it in RRSPs? Is it in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds? Is it gold or silver? What about businesses? Maybe it is under their mattress? Historically, the majority of rich people own real estate, as it has been an excellent vehicle for building and...

CFL victimized by coronavirus

Gainer the Gopher gets a year’s vacation to frolic with the tumbleweeds in Saskatchewan. Calgary Stampeders’ white stallion is being sent to the pasture. Ottawa’s lumberjack won’t be firing up his chainsaw. Sad, but true: The Canadian Football League won’t entertain fans in 2020. COVID-19 has put every sports operation — amateur and professional — in precarious positions and while...

Technology helped identify a treasured shrub

When we moved into our home, we noticed a shrub outside the kitchen window that seemed to be a bit of a weed. Each year we hacked it back. We often discussed trying to remove it completely. The birds seemed to like it though. I also imagined it would be a huge task. This year, as we were busy with...

Green Detox Juice Recipe

This time I am sharing with you one of my favorite Green Juices! This juice helps to detoxify your body after a night out of food and drinks or when you are feeling like you need a boost in your energy levels. Not only is this juice super healthy, but it’s a bit sweet, has iron, vitamin K, vitamin A,...