Category: <span>your SASKATOON news</span>

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Are we living alone in our galaxy?

The universe is a pretty big place. In our galaxy alone, it is estimated there are at least 100 billion stars. If I tried counting them, I would get to 10, and then forget which ones I had counted, and would have to start again. It is naive to think those stars don’t have planets...


Suffering pandemic fatigue? There is help.

Recently, I have been noticing some new buzzwords brought on by the pandemic. Languishing is a word that has recently been trending. It is being used to describe not exactly feeling depressed, but also not flourishing. Doomscrolling is spending too much time at a screen, looking at all the bad news, even when we find...


Strength comes in many forms

When Ken died in February, we had an outpouring of messages from readers, with many telling us how much his columns meant to them. In light of that, we thought we would go back through our files and re-publish some of his columns. Ken would be flattered by the kind words readers expressed. We miss...


Housing sales well above 10-year average

Spring has definitely arrived in Saskatoon. With it, comes unpredictable weather. One weekend in May, we were playing in the backyard with temperatures in the high 20s, then we had some snow a few days later, then a pouring rain a few days later and temperatures struggling to get to six degrees. Ahh, life on...


Fried Lobster Po Boy Burgers

Recipe courtesy of Omaha Steaks Executive Chef David Rose Prep time: about 20 minutes Cook time: about 20 minutes Servings: 2 Pimento Remoulade: 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 1/2 tablespoons minced pimentos 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon minced bread and butter pickles 1 pepperoncino (seeded and minced) 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder...


Swimming took me around the world

I guess I’ve always been a water baby. Early family photos show me splashing happily with my cousin Lynn in a galvanized tin wash tub in the backyard. Other childhood memories include swimming off the rocks behind the Anglican Church in Lac La Ronge and swimming alongside the beer bottles hanging off twine from the...


Lack of hitting not a big hit with fans

What do the following people — Joe Musgrove, Spencer Turnbull, John Means, Carlos Rodon, Corey Kluber and Wade Miley — have in common? Unless you’re an avid fan of Major League Baseball, you might not know the answer is that the aforementioned sextet had pitched no-hitters in the first seven weeks of the 2021 season....


Successful Habit Change

Almost all of us have struggled when trying to adopt new healthy habits. For a better chance of success, try these three steps: 1. SHRINK IT DOWN! Those who find the most success adopting new habits usually shrink their actions down to small, doable steps that they can successfully achieve each day. Why? We need...


The health benefits of turmeric

Studies have shown that turmeric could be one of the most effective nutritional supplements in existence. It has many benefits for your body and brain. In India, it has been used for thousands of years as a spice and medical herb. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric; it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect...


Music is good for the soul – and brain

I simply love music. It has been the thread that ties together significant experiences in my memory. I remember as a child listening to my Grandpa sing melancholy songs from his homeland, Sweden. I would sit spellbound when my sister played the piano, begging her not to quit. Who can forget those amazing tunes from...