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Memorial Golf Tournament

The second Graham Nicholson Memorial Golf Tournament raised $37,869 for the Hospice at Glengarda’s Comfort Care Fund. Held in June at the Moon Lake Golf and Country Club, the tourney was created in Nicholson’s memory after he died from glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, in 2022. He spent his final days at the...


Let’s talk about shilajit

Shilajit is a sticky substance found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants. It was traditionally used in India and Tibet, and is beneficial for many conditions. It contains antioxidants and minerals good for health. People can take it as a supplement in powder, resin...


Muscle: The Silent Hero in Insulin Sensitivity and Diabetes Management

When many of us think about muscle, we might picture strength, fitness, or athletic figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Serena Williams. While these images reflect power and athleticism, muscle plays a much more profound role in overall health, particularly when it comes to managing insulin sensitivity and preventing diabetes. Building muscle isn’t just about looking...


The seedy story beneath healthy cranberries

Cranberries are a superfood. They are known to fight urinary tract infections. They have anti inflammatory properties. Cranberries promote heart health. Researchers are even exploring a potential role in reducing cancer risk. But a myopic view that sees only the nutritional value of cranberries misses the larger not-so-pretty picture. It’s a cruel irony that so...


Mayoral race: Three of a kind or fresh blood?

Recycle: To treat or process used or waste materials so as to make suitable for reuse; to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature of. Former Mayor Don Atchison has thrown his hat into the foray and we now have four souls offering themselves up for public service to...


There are ways to help prevent dementia

The number of people living with dementia worldwide in 2019 was 57 million. That number is expected to rise to 153 million by 2050. A recent article in the Lancet (Dementia Prevention Intervention, and Care report of the Lancet Standing Commission (Volume 404, Issue 10452, P572-628, Aug. 10, 2024) is an incredibly detailed review of...


Reflections from a guy who turned 70

I was sitting at my computer working on a column, when I glanced to my right, where a birthday card was perched. It had been there for a few days, but this time the number on it jumped out. “I am 70 years old,” I muttered. This can’t be. There are days when I feel...


Housing industry calls for policy supports

The housing crunch faced at all levels in many parts of the province is not going away, and the industry needs policy changes to advance building, a coalition of industry groups says. According to the groups, the province needs between 60,000 and 80,000 new homes by 2030 (a number agreed upon by Canada Mortgage and...


Encouraging start to Blue Jays’ rebuild

Toronto Blue Jays are doing it right. When a Major League Baseball team like the Jays falls flat on its face, it not only disappoints fans from Deer Lake, Nfld. to Duncan, B.C., and all points in between, but it makes a mess of its owners’ bottom line. Rogers, the media company that calls the...