Fun fact: You can vote in advance polls Nov. 1-4 in the Saskatoon city election. Funner facts: You can even use a drive through poll (often spelled “drive-thru, but I can’t handle that, even though I can handle “funner” apparently), which was instituted in the last election. Or you could mail in your ballot. Indeed,...
Author: Editor
Paramedics still stuck in hospitals
Today, you are going to get a hodge podge of mini-columns at the same low price as always. ***** In the past two years, I have had too many reasons – seven — to visit people in hospitals in Saskatoon. In most cases, they were multiple visits. A year ago, I wrote about the logjam...
Guy Vanderhaeghe reflects on life, literature and history
When Guy Vanderhaeghe published his first work in 1982, he made a dramatic entrance onto the literary stage. Man Descending, a collection of short stories, won the Governor General’s Award for English fiction and subsequently also took the United Kingdom’s Faber Prize. Since then, among many other awards, his historical novel The Englishman’s Boy and...
Ken Noskye’s Memorable Stories: We can find the strength to handle what life brings us
When Ken died in February 2021, we had an outpouring of messages from readers, with many telling us how much his columns meant to them. In light of that, we thought we would go back through our files and re-publish some of them. Ken would be flattered by the kind words readers expressed. We miss...
Skinner finally bound for NHL playoffs
The happiest guy on the eve of the 2024- 25 National Hockey League season might just be Jeff Skinner. Ten times a 20-plus goal scorer (and 30-plus in six of those seasons) while playing for poor teams in Carolina and Buffalo, the Toronto-born left-winger could hardly be blamed for dreaming about an inaugural playoff run...
It’s time to prepare for winter
Autumn is a lovely time of year. The air has a crispness to it and the colours are usually quite spectacular! Our chores in the garden change a little bit as freezing temperatures convince hardy plants, trees and shrubs to rest as winter approaches. Most of us that live in places that have seasonal change...
3 tips for growing older with your pet
(NC) The idea of “growing old together” is a goal many of us aspire to. It doesn’t matter if that special someone walks on two legs or four – both of your needs will change as you enter your golden years together. Age gracefully along with your furry (or scaly!) family member with these tips:...
What is Small Business Week?
Small businesses (SMBs) are critical to the Canadian economy, and face the pressure of difficult workforce and economic decisions. It’s never been more important to support, build, and adapt local business infrastructures. Here’s how you can show support for SMBs by taking part in this year’s Small Business Week hosted by the Business Development Bank...
Art on display
Saskatoon landscape artist Paul Constable’s exhibition The Quintessential Prairie continues at the St. Thomas More Gallery on the University of Saskatchewan until Oct. 19. He speaks about his work on Sunday, Oct. 6 from 1-3 p.m. at the gallery. “There is always something beautiful or thought provoking to paint if you look,” Constable says. “The...
Can joy win elections? Kamala Harris says yes
By now, I expect we have all seen footage of U.S. democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris laughing. And chair dancing. And hugging her husband. You know, fun stuff. It’s infectious. Until Joe Biden stepped aside and threw his weight, not to mention funds, behind his vice-president, I really had no concept of Harris’s personality. Turns...