May is Correct Posture Awareness Month

May is Correct Posture Month. Correct posture is more than just sitting up tall; our posture has an impact on our quality of life and poor posture can lead to a variety of painful health conditions. The human body is designed to be aligned in a certain way, and long-term deviation from this alignment can have negative effects. With today’s lifestyle, our population, as a whole, spends too much time sitting, watching television, sitting at computers, and looking at phones and tablets. Our bodies are designed to move, and were not designed for this stationary lifestyle.


Posture is how we hold our bodies. This can be how we hold in our body statically, like when sitting or standing or when walking and bending. When it comes to posture, it is not that any one posture is bad for us but spending extended periods in any one position that takes us away from ideal alignment can be bad. The natural curvature of the spine makes a sort of ‘S’ shape with a small curve in our neck, mid back and lower back. Our spines act as a shock absorber, and proper alignment helps us stay balanced on our feet.  


Slouching or slumping over can misalign your body, leading to the following:

▪ Decreased flexibility due to increased muscle tightness;

▪ Joint stiffness which affects how well your body moves;

▪ Affect your balance and increase your risk of falling by changing where your base of support sits.

Poor posture also makes it harder to digest your food by compressing your digestive system. It also makes it difficult to breathe due to the increased stiffness of the thoracic spine, and the ability of your rib cage to expand to take in a deep breath.


When it comes to improving posture, the first thing to do is to take note of your current posture. Do you feel tight and sore in areas around your neck and upper back? Do you notice lower back and hip soreness after extended periods of sitting? These can be signs that your body is telling you that you need to work on your posture. Being aware of what correct posture should be in sitting and standing is a good place to start — think about maintaining those natural curves of the spine! Be mindful of your posture in your daily activities, like when sitting watching TV, doing the dishes, and going for a walk. Can you maintain that alignment? Staying active is a great way to improve your posture. As mentioned earlier, our bodies are designed to move, so any movement is good but strength exercises are key to maintaining good posture — particularly anything that targets the muscles around your back and pelvis. If you are not sure which exercises might be best for you, a physiotherapist can help with this.

If you would like to learn more on posture, check out If you are looking for more information or think your posture may be an issue, speaking to a physiotherapist can be a great option. Call Donald Physiotherapy, located in Davidson and Saskatoon, at 306-933- 3372 for all your posture needs!

-Megan Lautner

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