New project will help grow pickleball in city

 Saskatoon Pickleball Inc (SPI) and Saskatoon Soccer Centre Inc. (SSCI) announced a project which will double the facility’s pickleball capacity by fall 2024. The project, which will be jointly funded by the two non-profits, involves resurfacing another field at the Saskatoon Kinsmen/Henk Ruys Soccer Centre. The new rubberized surface will provide more consistency, additional cushioning and help protect joints for athletes of all ages. It will also allow SPI to double the available courts from eight to 16 for indoor play. “Expanding our capacity means we will be able to meet the growing demand from our members, and also have the ability to host provincial and national tournaments right here in Saskatoon,” said Theresa Kirkpatrick, president of the SPI.

SPI and SSCI have been partners since 2021, when SPI secured the Jack Adilman grant administered by the City of Saskatoon. This allowed the two non-profits to enter into a partnership agreement to resurface the first pitch at the Soccer Centre. Since then, SPI has offered indoor pickleball programs at the facility, and club membership has grown from around 350 to over 900. “Pickleball is among the fastest growing sports in the world and the world class facilities at the Soccer Centre played a big part in our club’s growth over the last three years,” said Kirkpatrick. Jodi Blackwell, CEO of SSCI, says the partnership between SSCI and SPI, is unique and benefits both groups. “We work well together and having pickleball in the building every day makes better use of our facility and provides a revenue stream that didn’t previously exist. “Resurfacing this pitch will benefit not only SPI, but other user groups like soccer, ball hockey, volleyball, seniors’ walking groups and more,” she said. The project is expected to be complete by the end of September next year. Cost of the project is expected to be a little over $200,000.

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