Year: <span>2024</span>

Home 2024

Penton’s sports humour review from 2023

Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg: “In the World Cup, France beat England 2-1. What I like about France is no trash-talking. Actually, they can’t trash talk because, in soccer, you’re not allowed to use your hands.” • Al Michaels on Thursday night Football, about Jets’ QB Mike White seeing a plethora of doctors to deal with...


Sinclair’s career celebrated at retirement party

The best aspect of the sendoff to Christine Sinclair’s glorious career as a soccer superstar in Canada is that it didn’t open with a minister telling the gathering that her’s was a life well lived. So many athletic, entertainment and political icons are lionized after death, but the Sinclair celebration came when she was fully...


Everything about Dates – the fruit

Dates are a sweet fruit that grow on palm trees. They are a superfood, containing minerals, energy and fibre. They are a source of vitamins A and B, as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, calcium and other minerals. Fresh dates contain more vitamin C and less sugar. The high nutrient content of the...


This thought shift could change everything!

Here’s a great quote that you probably haven’t heard before: “You can’t create a new version of yourself while dragging your old habits and behaviours behind you.” It’s a good one to keep in mind at this time of year when resolutions and fresh starts are top of mind for many of us who aspire...


Miracle of music is its healing qualities

Music may be the world’s greatest medicine. From infants to centenarians, people love music and the way it makes them feel good. In tribute to its universal qualities, Hans Christian Andersen said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Even without lyrics, songs certainly convey feelings. Among healthy people, researchers have shown that across cultural divides, people...


What You Need to Know About Cholesterol

(Family Features) Understanding and improving cholesterol is important for people of all ages, including children and teens. Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels can help keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke. High cholesterol usually has no symptoms. In fact, about 38 per cent of adults in the...


Manage Heart Health for Stronger Brain Health

The same risk factors that contribute to making heart disease the leading cause of death worldwide also impact the rising global prevalence of brain disease, including stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The global death rate from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias is increasing even more than the rate of heart disease death, according to the...


Bandwagon morality: social media epidemic causing harm

Being accepted within social media confines is extremely important, particularly for young people, as face-to-face communication is rapidly being replaced by texting, posting, messaging, and commenting. What is troubling is it is becoming more common for people to use social media to (ironically) avoid social interactions. Young people today often have difficulty looking you in...


6 Tips for Staying Safe when Shovelling Snow

While we have been having an unusually warm start to winter and it is looking like it may be a brown Christmas, we know at some point we are bound to get snow. Snow can bring fun things like skating, building snowmen and skiing, but it also means shovelling. Shovelling snow is a common cause...


Here’s hoping for a much better 2024

I will be very very very happy to see the back of 2023. I think I said the very same thing at the end of 2020. That first COVID-19 year was really tough. But maybe I say this every year. Could be. I’m not the most optimistic human, even (or perhaps especially) when peering at...