Month: <span>June 2024</span>

Home 2024 June

Sourdough from Scratch: Four variations of friendship bread

(Family Features) What better way to celebrate friendship and camaraderie than with comforting foods all can enjoy. Sourdoughs and friendship breads may go in and out of fashion, but you can make them a staple of your inner circle with recipes that are easier than they appear. Consider this Sourdough Starter, a seven-day process that...


Blueberry Maca Smoothie

The Blueberry Maca Smoothie is a nutritious and delicious drink that combines the benefits of blueberries and maca root. Maca root is full of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that help the body in many ways. It is especially good for morning smoothies because of its energetic properties. In addition to being a superfood,...


Is Weight Loss the Most Important Goal?

If you want to get in shape, nothing is more important than losing weight, right? Not necessarily! So many people think that the number on the scale is the most important measure of fitness. I want to set the record straight. Despite society’s focus on it, your weight is not always the most important factor...


Sarcopenia, not Cancer, but a deadly word

Can you improve muscle mass even as you age? As Mickey Mantle, star player of the New York Yankees, remarked, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” Such is my worry in my 99th year. I was recently having more difficulty getting up from chairs...


Bucket-list worthy places to visit in Canada

While many of us jump at the chance to travel outside our borders, Canada remains a spectacular place to explore, with a diverse and far-reaching history. Here are five must-see destinations to add to your bucket list. How many have you visited? L’ANSE AUX MEADOWS Visit this breathtaking World Heritage Site, which rests at the...


May is Correct Posture Awareness Month

May is Correct Posture Month. Correct posture is more than just sitting up tall; our posture has an impact on our quality of life and poor posture can lead to a variety of painful health conditions. The human body is designed to be aligned in a certain way, and long-term deviation from this alignment can...


Goodbye, Elwood Flynn, local legend

Many, many more years ago than I would like to admit, although it was a very good and lovely thing, I met Elwood Flynn. The iconic men’s clothing retailer was a hands-on sort of person. Every week or so, Elwood would come up to the Composing Room, later renamed the PrePress Department, of The StarPhoenix...


Water gardens add beauty to yard

Water gardens are a beautiful addition to any landscape. However, this spring chore can be fairly physical, so it might be good to have some help to get your water garden up and running. Begin by removing any floating debris from the water. I am often amazed at the amount of “stuff” that ends up...


I never know if the price is right

My wife and I, and another couple were discussing food prices at an event last week. I would rather talk about sports and news, but I played along. Specifically, we talked about the boycott of Loblaw stores. The other couple is all in for the boycott, while Sandy and I are not in to the...