Removing carbon tax keeping inflation down

Saskatchewan continues to tackle inflationary pressures. In March 2024, the consumer price index in Saskatchewan increased by 1.5 per cent from March 2023 (seasonally unadjusted). This is the second lowest increase in Canada, and below the national average of 2.9 per cent. “Saskatchewan is well-below the national average in terms of consumer price index increases in Canada, and we are seeing further proof that removing the carbon tax on home heating is keeping inflation down,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said in a news release. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes in the price of goods and services over time. Inflation is indicated by the growth of CPI, which helps assess changes to the cost of living. An individual’s ability to buy goods and services is affected by changes in income and prices.

Last week, Statistics Canada released their data on housing starts, where Saskatchewan saw an increase of 12.1 per cent in March 2024, compared to March 2023. Housing starts on single-family dwellings increased by 35.7 per cent, and multiple units increased by 3.8 per cent compared to March 2023.

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