Be aware of wildlife on Sask. highways

Autumn is the breeding season for both moose and deer species, causing increased movement as they actively seek out mates in new territories across the province. Due to this spike in wildlife mobility, the majority of vehicular collisions with wildlife coincides with this season. According to SGI, vehicle collisions with wildlife results in an average of 376 injuries, and one fatality per year, over the past five years. Wildlife collision claims also resulted in an average $98 million in insurance claims over that same period, with collisions with deer accounting for $82 million of that. This is why the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) is encouraging the public to stay vigilant, and take extra precautions while travelling this time of year to prevent possible collisions with animals.

Darrell Crabbe, SWF Executive Director, emphasized the need for increased caution in areas marked as high-risk with wildlife crossing signs, stating, “We can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, injuries and fatalities by exercising extra care and awareness during this season.” Remaining watchful and reducing vehicle speeds, particularly at dusk and dawn, can make a substantial difference in preventing wildlife collisions.

For further guidance on avoiding encounters with animals, or knowing how to respond when a collision occurs with an animal, contact the SWF Central Office at 306-692-8812, or visit wildlife-collisions.

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