I practised as a physician for 43 years. I developed the ability to research diligently to find solutions to my patients’ problems. In retirement I have had even more time to do this, perhaps to my detriment.
For a scientific journal and news junkie, the opportunities have been endless. Like many of you, I’m sure, I was held captive by all the rapidly changing information, trying to share information with those I thought could benefit. Having a touch of OCD is a definite benefit for a conscientious physician, but where do you stop?
Throughout this whole experience, the scientific world has come together like never before, rapidly allowing for cooperation, sharing of data, and incredible advancement. I doubt there has ever been more research on any subject. Understandably, as results rolled in, changes were made about recommendations on timing of vaccinations, temperatures necessary to keep vaccine safe, adverse effect possibilities. Those on the hot seats of leading the medical community and our country have faced tremendous pressure to make the right decisions at the right time, in the face of uncertainty of availability of personal protective equipment, ventilators, vaccines and health care workers. I believe everyone did their best to support the effort and do not envy them the level of responsibility.
Throw into the mix the channels of misinformation – some reach the level of comic relief – that if you stand next to someone who has been vaccinated, you will have negative effects of their vaccination because they will be “shedding” viral particles (even though there is no intact virus injected). Or how about the fact that you will become magnetized and pieces of metal will stick to you! I will never know what motivates people to come up with such astounding pronouncements! Many of these stories are picked up by Fox News and alt right publications, woven into conspiracy theories and widely shared on social media. Astoundingly, many actually believe it!
The unfortunate thing from my own perspective is that many have been manipulated by the same techniques used in the Trumpian world of denying truth and creating implausible scenarios. Along with medical misinformation, defiance of following safety guidelines and calling the whole thing a hoax has been their battle cry. . I hope one day they gain insight into what was happening.
This has caused enormous splits in families, with both sides being absolutely certain that their side is right.
There is a third group, the vaccine hesitation camp. I have empathy for them. It is a tremendous responsibility to make a decision about getting your child vaccinated. There are known side effects, and fear of unknown long-term effects. Studies they present sound believable. What seems to be missing is a reliable accurate comparison of risk versus benefit. Using a discerning lens, many of the studies do not stand up to scientific scrutiny.
I had an epiphany this week as I was meditating with Alicia Keys and Chopra on finding your bliss. I realized that there are many blissful things in my life- watching my little granddaughters and grandson play ball, watching the sunset with my husband, starting the online art class I registered for. None of the blissful things that I could think of included having my stomach tied in knots, trying to change anyone’s mind or finding the perfect article to prove a point. I really do not need to do any of that. I have had my vaccinations and follow all the rules for keeping myself and others safe.
There has been a lot of fallout from the isolation and financial devastation brought on by this disease, let’s not add family conflict to the list.
Everyone has the right and duty to make up their own minds about their bodies. I can simply recognize that, with respect, and love them completely.
Dr. Vicki Holmes is a retired family physician who has a special interest in Palliative Care and Women’s Health. She is passionate about sharing medical information with the public!
-Dr. Vicki Holmes
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