Month: <span>September 2020</span>

Home 2020 September

Can our new norm be more rational?

Too many mornings I have awoken wondering whether I am still caught in a horrific nightmare or whether I have been transported into another universe. I’m not talking about COVID-19, or wearing face masks, or social distancing or living within my little cluster. That is the new normal. I’m talking about the lackadaisical attitude of...


It’s hurtful when cars talk behind your back

I don’t do well with technical things. It is at the point where some of my prized possessions have turned against me. I have overheard a number of conversations in recent days, including one between my cars. Yes, cars can talk. I hear voices. Honest. 1974 MGB to 2000 Lincoln: I need to have a...


Happy Birthday Jonathan! Parade of vehicles a gift for young man

A long line of muscle cars, hot rods, motorcycles and modern cars slowly made their way down Kingsmere Boulevard on Aug. 12. Vehicles of all ages, shapes, sizes, colours and horsepower formed to wish Jonathan Fidek a happy 20th birthday. Motorcycles coming down the street two-by-two were cool too. In these COVID times, his parents,...