Like grandfather, like granddaughter

COVID-19 didn’t allow the class of 2020 to graduate in traditional style.

There was no walking across the stage, no shaking hands with officials and no standing for a couple of seconds for photos and snippets of video Even without the pomp and pageantry, Robert and Christine Zens have reason to celebrate milestones in their lives.

Robert and Christine (Cat) Zens will long remember 2020 as the year they graduated. Christine graduated from high school, and Robert from the University of Saskatchewan. Robert is Christine’s 79-year-old grandfather.

Robert had a brush with university years ago, when he completed one year at St. Peter’s College in Muenster.

He joined the Benedictines as a novice and later studied for the diocesan priesthood until he decided this might not be his life’s calling, He was even a monk for six months, Robert’s wife Dot said in an email to Your Saskatoon News.

“I was not the reason he left the priesthood studies!!” she wrote.

Robert and Christine Zens both received
degrees this year. (Photo Suppled)

Robert became a radio news broadcaster, and was in the business for 30 years.

In retirement, he decided to dip into his bucket list and began taking classes at the U of S. One class led to another, with the sum total leading to a BA in History.

It wasn’t always easy, as Robert had to master new technology along the way, in addition to the challenges of the courses he took. He was always in the top 15 per cent of his class.

Robert joked that he would get his degree at the same time as Christine. She likely said, “Yeah, right, Grandpa,” along the way.

Grandpa fulfilled his side of the deal. There was never a doubt Christine would fill hers. Robert always felt accepted by his classmates. He was once asked why he would put himself through the stress of university at his age.

He liked the challenge and getting to use facilities like a library that brimmed with books. He sought out legitimate Internet sites to enhance his learning.

“It’s the journey, not the destination that counts,” he would say.

The end of journey might be temporary, as Robert is considering taking more classes. Who knows, perhaps a master’s degree is awaiting.

Meanwhile, Christine is following in her grandfather’s footsteps into journalism.

She received a scholarship from the University of Regina and will begin her studies in the fall.

-Cam Hutchinson