Dear Reena, I was told by my co-worker to wash my toilet with boiling water. Do you think this is a good idea? — Ash
Dear Ash, While it is true that some people recommend cleaning toilets with boiling water, this is a risky practice as boiling water may result in a cracked toilet bowl and damage the wax ring.
Dear Reena, I am wondering if you know how to get rid of rust stains on the edges of my dinner plates. I use a dishwasher and most of the plates are Corningware. — Sandy
Dear Sandy, Soak a green scrubby pad in vinegar. Dip the wet sponge in baking soda and scrub the brown stains; the rust should quickly disappear.
Dear Reena, Any suggestions for a cheap facemask that I can make at home? — Kitty Bear
Dear Kitty Bear, Here is a simple and cost-effective face mask, using common products. Combine 1 tbsp. regular plain yogurt with 1 tsp. soft honey. Apply to face and leave for seven minutes. Pat and rinse with a clean, hot washcloth.
Dear Reena, What is the best way to store cheese to prevent it from going mouldy? — Peter
Dear Peter, Grating and freezing cheese will prevent it from becoming mouldy. If you prefer not to freeze cheese, buy a 350 to 400-gram slab of old or mild, especially when the cheese is on sale. I cut the slab into eight pieces and tightly wrap each piece with plastic wrap. The cheese keeps well and does not get mouldy because I only open one piece at a time. You can also store block cheese in Ziploc freezer bags; it stays fresher longer.
Dear Reena, How do you keep an individual pie crust from shrinking in the oven? I only have this issue when I bake one individual shell, not with multiple pies. — Gwen
Dear Gwen, After combining the ingredients to make pie dough, allow it to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes so the gluten can relax. After rolling out the dough, give it another five minutes to rest. For pre-baking, use a fork to poke holes in the bottom of the crust. Fill the crust with dried beans before baking. Avoid baking pies in glass pie plates. Avoid overworking the dough and stretching the dough to fit the pan.
Simple Tips for Everyday Life
• To make S.O.S-type scouring pads, put a wet scrubby pad on a bed of baking soda. — Sandy
• Fluff a flat pillow. Toss the pillow inside the dryer with a couple of tennis balls on the air setting. — Rex
Note: Every user assumes all risks of injury or damage resulting from the implementation of any suggestions in this column. Test all products on an inconspicuous area first.
Reena Nerbas is a popular motivational presenter for large and small groups; check out her website at reena.ca. Ask a question or share a tip at reena.ca.
-Reena Nerbas