The First Excuse Is the Worst Excuse: Yes, You Really Do Have Time to Exercise

I don’t have time to exercise.

How many times have you said that? Or heard someone else say it?

It’s the number one excuse for not exercising. And I don’t buy it.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. We all have multiple commitments to other people, often including work. Even in retirement, there’s spending time with family, keeping up the home, fighting traffic, etc.

But, as the famous saying goes, “Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

How Much Do We Get?

Here’s an interesting illustration of how we generally spend our time on this earth. Let’s say people get an average of 25,915 days, or about 71 years, to live. Of that, they spend just 69 percent (or 180 days) exercising.

That’s according to a survey of more than 9,000 people around the world, conducted by Reebok and global survey company Censuswide. (Granted, Reebok has an interest, but this is still relevant information.)

The survey also reports that people:

• Spend almost a third of their lives (29.75 percent) sitting down

• Stare at some kind of screen 41 percent of the time, or 10,625 days

• Socialize with family and friends 6.8 percent, or 1,769 days

Canadian and U.S. government health agencies suggest people get at least 2½ hours every week of moderate intensity exercise. A Harvard study says that just 15 minutes of physical activity a day can add three years to your life. And the Journal of the American Medical Association said last year that not exercising puts you at greater risk than smoking and diabetes.

Still say you don’t have time?

Add It Up

Let’s examine a week’s worth of time.

Seven days a week multiplied by 24 hours a day equals 168 hours a week. Now, make a list of how you spend your time on a weekly basis. Try this quick audit. Write down how many weekly hours you spend on the following.

• Work (or committed volunteer time, if you’re retired)

• Sleep

• Commute

• Errands

• Family time

• Religious services or community involvements

Total that up and subtract it from the 168 hours.

Get the message? You have time. It’s up to you how to spend it.

Time for More Time

I’m not suggesting anyone devote their lives to the gym. There are plenty of ways to get your minimum amount of exercise in each week. You can mix and match, and even incorporate movement into daily life by taking the stairs, parking far from buildings, and walking the dog.

If you’re unsure where to start, talk to a professional! There are plenty out there who are committed to helping you take better care of yourself. And what’s more important than that?

-Shelley Turk (owner and certified Functional Aging Specialist at ProActive Fitness)